My Spider Vein Treatment Experience
*This post was adapted from an interview with a spider vein treatment patient*
Do you remember how it was when you wore shorts without thinking twice about it? This former patient does. Here’s an adaptation of an interview we conducted with her:
I remember when I didn’t think twice about wearing shorts. I wasn’t about to let the blue veins on my legs change how I felt…or so I thought. The more and more my spider veins became prominent, the more I feared that they would become even more permanent. My mother had large varicose veins, and I didn’t want to have my legs ending up looking like that. I love my mom – but I was really apprehensive about what I had inherited from her. So I waited – not really knowing what my next move would be.
I heard about spider vein treatment from a friend, who had the procedure conducted in office. She shared that it was relatively painless, and that it was covered by her insurance as well. She encouraged me to at least schedule an appointment for a consultation. This is where peer pressure can be a positive thing! I set up an appointment and met the team, and the physician. My overall impression was that it wouldn’t take long for the procedure, which I was happy about.
When I went in on the day of, I had my compression stockings and was ready! I have to admit – I was also pretty excited. The entire spider vein treatment procedure took about 30 minutes. I followed doctors orders for my after-care and my legs healed nicely. I am so pleased that I took out the time to have this taken care of! And, I’m happy to share that wearing shorts is no longer a struggle for me. I am more confident and my husband comments all the time about how my legs look “just like they used to.” I’m really happy that I took this step. I’m even more happy that I can wear shorts in this hot, humid weather!
-Submitted by a patient who wishes to remain anonymous
If you’re someone who no longer wants to deal with spider veins, we invite you to schedule an appointment with Dr. Katz here at Dekalb Vein Center! Just click here and enter your information, or call us at 404-501-9377.